Precinct Committeemen
Precinct Committeemen are elected at the General Primary Election (every two years) as per Illinois Election Code. Williamson County currently has 56 precincts.
These committeemen make up each party’s Central Committee. By law, they select a Chairman on the 29th day succeeding the Primary in the general election which is held in the even numbered years. [10 ILCS 5/7-9 (a)] The Chairman sets the direction for the party and may fill vacancies among the precinct committeemen.
Precinct Committeemen vote for State Central Committee (SCC) members every 4 years. The SCC members elect the IL GOP Director and guide the policies of the IL GOP.
Duties of Precinct Committeemen the primary duty is to get out the vote during election season. Meet households in their precincts and deliver campaign literature on candidates along with a sample ballot. Other duties include helping candidates appear on the ballot, guiding the policies of the local and state republican organizations, assisting in fundraising activities for the party and candidates.
Precinct Committeemen have statutory authority to appoint the Judges of Election for their political party in their precinct. If you wish to become a Judge of Election, contact your Precinct Committeeman for your party or your political party Chairman.
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